WA3RM AB builds a large-scale greenhouse of 217,000 square meters and becomes Sweden’s largest tomato producer Sep 12, 2023 WA3RM AB builds a large-scale greenhouse of 217,000 square meters and becomes Sweden’s largest tomato producer. The facility will be heated with...
Vinga Group is exhibiting at this year’s Business Arena Stockholm Sep 10, 2023 Vinga Group is exhibiting at this year’s Business Arena Stockholm – The Nordics’s leading annual real estate event, hosted at Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre on September 20-21. Don’t...
Vinga Corporate Bond earns 4-star Morningstar rating! Aug 16, 2023 Vinga Corporate Bond, our Nordic high yield fund, turned three years old during the month and received its first Morningstar rating. The 4-star rating comes from the fact that Vinga Corporate Bond has...
Vinga acted as advisor in connection with the SEK 100 million green senior secured bond issue for Recap Energy AB Jul 16, 2023 Recap Energy AB, a Swedish renewable energy project developer and advisor, successfully closed a SEK 100 million green senior secured...
The GKSS Match Cup Sweden 2023 is underway, with Vinga Group as main partner! Jul 7, 2023 The classic sailing event enjoys status as one of a select few “grand slam” events, meaning more ranking points and a world-class skipper lineup. The thrilling finals are...
SEK 657 000 000 repayment of green senior secured bond Jun 29, 2023 On June 28, Advanced Soltech Sweden AB fully repaid its green senior secured bond SOLT5. Initially issued in January 2019, the approx. SEK 657 000 000 bond issue was the first green bond issue...
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